Jack Maggs is an entertaining novel set in 19th Century England. It's a story about a mysterious protagonist, Jack Maggs, who turns up in London from criminal exile in Australia, searching for someone closely connected to him.(don't want to spoil the plot). It reads like a Dickens' novel, with lots of local atmosphere (muddy, smokey London town) and a range of colorful characters of both the servant and the ruling class. There is also the sub-theme of hypnosis, that fuels the beginning of the plot. It's a fun novel with a strong plot. The story is told vividly and with wit. All-in-all, a well-written book worth reading.
For a review of the book by NY Times , click here: http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/02/08/reviews/980208.08jamest.html
For a review of the book by NY Times , click here: http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/02/08/reviews/980208.08jamest.html