"I read a book one day, and my whole life was changed." - opening line of The New Life, by Orhan Pamuk

Thursday, July 17, 2014

ME CHEETA, by James Lever

Me Cheeta, the Booker Prize-nominated novel based on the silly premise of an animal actor (Cheeta of Tarzan fame) writing a Hollywood memoir, turns out to be a great read - hilarious, frequently moving, inventive and just plain fun. The book ultimately becomes a kind of alternative Hollywood memoir that irreverently mocks not only our favorite Golden Age stars but also Hollywood's uniquely disturbing subculture and the love-hate relationship that humans have with their animal cousins. The narrative also has lots of soul and deep insights of the naive-yet-jaded narrator, the likable simian star of the Tarzan movies of the 1930s & 40s, who is often more "human" than the dysfunctional Hollywood stars into whose society he is thrust after being taken from the African jungle.

for a review of the book from The Guardian, click here: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/jun/06/me-cheeta-james-lever